Trisha Durham

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Worth Sharing Vol. 26

Retreat, read, and discover new things. Here’s what I found worth sharing recently.

Morning MeditOcean with moon jellies at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. I share this when the pandemic first hit in 2020. Feels time for a reshare. They have a wonderful YouTube channel with lots of gaze worthy content.

The author of Sharlotte’s Web, E.B. White wrote a Beautiful Letter to Someone Who Lost Faith in Humanity.

Mad Libs for Creatives Fill-in-the-blank exercises for focusing your ideas, from strategic conception to sale.

Life’s a Party, Not a Race. For all my fellow late bloomers.

Write a letter to the future you. You can even choose the date.

It’s Women’s History Month. A note on Relinquishing the Patriarchy. Which reminds me, I wrote this.

The Politics of Working Out. I can’t get enough of learning about the history of fitness.

Hang on to your hat. Hang on to your hope. And wind the clock, for tomorrow is another day.

Artworks by Maria Premachinko, one of Ukraine’s most celebrated folk artists have been lost in the bombing of the museum they were housed in, but some of them have been saved. Picasso once said after visiting a Primachenko exhibition in Paris, “I bow down before the artistic miracle of this brilliant Ukrainian.”

Ukrainian Folk Pacifist Artist: Maria Prymachenko, A Dove Has Spread Her Wings And Asks for Peace, 1982