Worth Sharing Vol. 24

8 links worth sharing

Celebrate Your Unique Flaws “Stop trying to kill half of your moods and all of your personality.”

Berndnaut Smilde creates clouds in unexpected places and it’s beautiful.

There are a number of articles about fitness culture out this January and it’s a welcome change in dialogue from what we usually hear during the first month of a new year. The through line in all of them is that yes, there are so many great reasons to move your body and none of them have to be about shrinking yourself or changing your physical appearance. Here they are in particular order.

How Gym Culture Went from Punishing to Meditative.

Where Did Fitness Culture Come From? (I’m most excited for the book, Let’s Get Physical that this article is about).

Exercising to Slim Down? Try Getting Bigger: Reclaim the real strength behind exercise (NYT article).

Which reminds of The Invention of Posture. Phew, no wonder we’re exhausted.

Thoughtful vibes a playlist.

Trisha Durham