A List of Things to do Instead of "Listen To Your Body."

“Listen to your body” has become a platitude in the wellness industry offered in passing with no real instruction on what it means or how to do it. Here you are on your yoga mat trying to translate the hundreds of signals you’re receiving from your body while also listening to the teacher and trying to keep up with the showcase of flexibility around you. 🤯

It’s NOW as we head into colder weather with studios overflowing with people who want to get back to moving their body that our words matter most. New to yoga people, former athletes, and seasoned yoga practitioners consider this list and…


▪️To do less, without apology.

▪️To not get it all done today. It’s a practice after all.

▪️To do it “wrong.” There’s more than one right way.

▪️To look silly, to wobble, to lose it. Be willing to break your identity with perfection.

▪️To find your own physical edge in a stretch and play nicely with it.

▪️To explore, learn, practice movement that serves and sustains you.

▪️ To not do every chaturanga that is offered.

▪️To support/accept your practice. AS. IS. without fixing or changing anything.

▪️To work with incremental rather than wholesale change in your movement practice.

This is skill in action. This is how you listen to your body and make it meaningful.