Podcast playlist for curious yoga teachers
I made you a playlist of the most impactful episodes from some of my favorite podcasts. Use the links to also discover each podcasts individual library of talks. Ideal for curious yoga teachers who want to learn more about movement beyond asana. I hope they light up new insights for you and lead to further discovery and inspiration.
Yoga is Dead - every episode of the whole season. Listen wherever you get your podcasts. Episodes two and three are particularly relevant in current times.
Pain science and yoga
Mindful Strength Podcast: Neil Pearson Pain Science and Yoga
Todd Hargrove and Greg Lehman: Why Exercise Helps with Pain
Better Movement Podcast w/ guest James Steele: Low back pain and strength training
Movement science and yoga
Critical Thinking in Yoga with Bernie Clark
Strong at any age: Jinny MacColl on Mindful Strength
MOTM Podcast w/ Jules Mitchell: Science vs Tradition
Jules Mitchell on Yogaland: The Science of Stretching (and strength)
Jen Pilotti: Headstand: How much weight does the neck bear?
Jason Crandell: Teaching Beginners
Breathing, yoga and stress
How Breathing Works and How We Can Adapt Breathing Cues with Jennifer Snowden
Breathing physiology: Steve Donald - Buteyko Breathing Method
For those yoga and fitness teachers running their own business and using Instagram
Maestro on the Mic: The absolute best business advice for head and heart
This list is not exhaustive. Updated 12/2/23