Trisha Durham

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Amidst the Chaos, Give Thanks and Take Care of YOU.

Write this at the bottom of your grocery list:

Balance Commitment (required of me) and contentment (required for myself).

Slow down. Show up. 

Know where your own flow (the here and now) resides. 

Whatever is pressing on you. Take a breath and feel the feeling of your feet on the earth.

Practice being YOU.

Amidst the chaos, give thanks. 

Dark chocolate. 88%


With screens and alerts everywhere around us vying for our attention it feels like the chaos associated with the holiday season now lives with us year round. Uninstall some of it, for sure (Google and Pinterest will give you a million ways to get rid of the clutter in your life) but also give this a try: Shift your focus onto vital ways of making time a healer in your life. Decide what you value and dedicate a little more of your time to it.   

At the still point, there the dance is. 

-TS Elliot